Wednesday, June 15, 2011


In just a few short weeks I will get on a plane, land in IL, and be reunited with my man. And aside from being terrified of the plane ride, I am BEYOND excited. I haven't seen him for a month and half and I'm ready. I'm ready to snuggle all night. I'm ready to lean over and kiss him whenever I want. I'm ready to banter back and forth in the special way that we do and honestly...I'm ready for some kid-free time. It kills me that I can't take them with me so that they can spend some time with their daddy, but I'm going to look at the bright side. I'm going to be a much, much, much, MUCH better mother when I get back.

I've been researching Chicago non-stop for the past couple of weeks and I've pretty much figured out my top three things to that I want to see. The bean, which I don't think is the official name. But you know what I'm talking about. That giant, silver bean shaped thing in Millennium Park? That one that supposedly has the amazing refection quality and is amazing to photograph? Super excited to see that! Well, I'm excited to just see Millennium Park in general...Second, the original Playboy mansion. Don't ask me why, I truthfully have no idea. Wrigley Field. Don't ask me about that one either. No, I'm not a Cubs fan I'm just drawn to it...And lastly, the address of the Valentines day Massacre. Because I'm macabre that like. Oh wait, that's four. So I figured out my top FOUR things of must sees in Chicago.

Who knows if we'll make to any or all of those. As of right now we have NO plans and I think that's partly why I'm so freakin' excited. I have a whole week ahead of me where I get to do whatever I want. GO wherever I want. SEE whatever I want!

I am so ready for a week with my love!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

The Bean is a must. You should also go up Hancock tower -- to the lounge and have a drink overlooking the city. It's MUCH less expensive to buy a drink from the bar than it is to pay for the Sears Tower adventure. Plus, there is an amazing look out in the women's restroom.

You should also go to the Field Museum if you have time. It's outstanding if you enjoy natural history.

If you like yummy Mexican food -- check out Xoco

Most of my trips to Chicago have involved eating and concerts... but those are the few MUST do's. Have fun!!