Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm in the mood for Seasons

Um, I don't think California got the memo. Somebody needs to tell California that it's late October and it's probably time to start getting, you know, COLD? Yesterday, the high was 92. Ninety-freakin-two, people. Is it me or does that seem completely wrong to you? Sigh...I think it's time to move, I'm in the mood for seasons.


Morgan said...

I know, it's so crazy! Judah's birthday party it tomorrow and it's going to be in the 80s. I'm happy for that, but after the party it can become Fall! :)

Laura- That Kind of Mom said...

I agree!! Summer is over, right?! Oh, well, we'll be the happy ones come March or so, when the East Coast is still dealing with snow. Can you imagine being trapped in the house for half a year? Yuck.

Kathryn said...

my girlfriend Tamara moved down to California with her husband last February for a year for work and her main complaint about it has been just that - no seasons! and it's too hot for the fabulous fall fashions

thankfully they are moving back up here soon ...